Donations Help Make Our Mission Possible

Please consider donating to help further Carol’s legacy and support the Anchors – from Carol Foundation. Donations are used to help some of Carol’s biggest passions during her life, including: Cancer Awareness & Research, Education and Literacy, Veteran Aid, Assisting Developmentally Disabled Individuals and Those Who Help Support Them, and Animals

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Donors & Supporting Organizations

How Your Donations Help Serve Those In Need

Donations will be used to support causes that Carol was passionate about during her dash.

They include areas related to

Cancer:  awareness, research, survivors and family assistance;

Teachers:  educational, reading and literacy programs;

Veterans: aid and education;

Developmentally Disabled: specialized needs & their caretakers;

Pet:  therapy, adoption and rescue.

Make A Donation

Credit Card
American Express
Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
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